

Our commitment to the environment and the community is not only limited to the correct management of waste, an issue that should be mandatory in any industry, but also to create job opportunities without distinction for the members of our community.

No menos importante, a nuestros clientes les brindamos asesoría para el manejo correcto de sus desechos, buscando crear la conciencia de cuidado del ambiente en todo nuestro círculo de influencia. Nuestro apoyo a la comunidad no solo se limita a lo antes expuesto sino también a proyectos empresariales y sociales autosostenibles, colaborando, por ejemplo, con CentraRSE o el Rotary Club de Guatemala en proyectos ambientales afines a nuestra misión.

We are convinced that believing in gender equity is not only putting it in a policy role: we have broken paradigms because by nature the recycling work is heavy and strong, women are not normally hired in this industry. On the contrary, we have been able to integrate women's skills and talents into our operation and we can proudly say that 40% of our staff is female.

We currently recycle more than 6,000 tons per year between electronic, metallic and other material wastes. The high standards of quality and service we work with allow us to strengthen relationships with our “material suppliers”, in several cases for more than a decade. This feature allows us to offer many jobs to our community, from staff working within Scrapex to service providers.

The processes we use are totally committed to the environment, most of the processes we carry out are manual and we ensure that each material has a responsible final destination. We have a professional plant and ensure the industrial safety of our employees.

Being a recycling company we also have waste from our process, however to be consistent with our mission, we compact the waste that must be sent outside our plant to minimize their environmental impact.

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